Paving Guide / Do's and Dont's
Pavers to be laid to Australian standards 3727.
When cutting the strap from around the pavers, put a prop against the end pavers to stop them from falling. Leave plastic cover bag on pavers to stop staining while they are waiting to be laid. When pavers are first unstacked, it is the time they are most prone to staining and marking. Don't lay pavers when it is raining.
If relocating pavers, cover them until they are needed. Don't stack them in a star fashion, as this will leave triangular marks on them. Care should be taken when laying pavers so they don't get marked. For Example: Wheelbarrow tyre marks, muddy boots and dirty sand left lying around on paving etc.
Most marks can be washed off, but if not, marks and stains will disappear with the seasoning of the paver over a period of time if they have not been sealed. Cover paving so it does not get marked if you have to work over it.
Over a period of time, pavers will fade\get dirty depending on site conditions.
- Not enough fall.
- Dirt and efflorescence will not be washed away naturally.
- Under cover or in the sun, fading may vary.
- Weathering may make the face of the paver become coarser as the fines are eroded from the face of the paver.
- There may be some variation on the face finish and colour depending on raw materials available at the time of manufacture.
- Pavers may vary in colour and texture between batches.
See Paver Cleaning for a simple solution to some of these problems
Bink pavers are manufactured to Australian Standards AS4455 - T44
Efflorescence may appear after rain or heavy dew and frost. It is caused by the water evaporating out of the paver and drawing salts and lime from the chemical composition of the paver to the surface. It can be removed by washing the pavers with an acid solution. (See the cleaning section on this sheet).
Efflorescence is a natural phenomenon that occurs in concrete and clay paving. It is a white lime bloom that appears on the top of the concrete. For more information on efflorescence see:
- Properties of concrete by A.M. Neville.
- Fulton's concrete technology editor B.J. Addis
Efflorescence doesn't last for ever, Efflorescence is generally washed off by the outdoor elements after about 1-2 years. Commercial products are available to anyone not wanting to wait that long. Pavers will weather over time showing some raw materials which may change the shade slightly.
Weathering of Efflorescence
Site Preparation:
Mark out area to be paved by using string line or lime and remove the vegetation and topsoil to the required depth allowing for a small slope away from any buildings for water run off.
Laying of pavers:
Pedestrian traffic. Sand base
(a) Dig to a depth of the thickness of the pavers plus allow for a 30mm sand base.
Place the washed sand into the excavated area and level to a depth of 30mm. Level the sand to a smooth even finish and check for fall and levels with a spirit level. Once the levels are correct start at one end and place the pavers leaving a 2mm gap. Use the line that is marked on one side of the paver you are laying to face in the same direction as the line on the paver already layed. Use a string line to assure a straight line at the start and occasionally during the job. Work over the top of the placed pavers. The excavated area must have a hard compacted base, to ensure there is no subsidence after pavers are laid. A concrete base can be used instead of a compacted road base.
(b) Driveways. Road base
Dig to a depth of around 120mm for road base plus the thickness of the pavers, and 30mm for the sand base. Place road base into the excavated area and level to a depth of about 140mm it should compact to about 120mm with a plate compactor. Then follow the same directions as the sand base. Paving will need to be compacted to stop movement (see filling joints and compacting.)
Use a diamond wet blade saw. Make sure the slurry is washed right off before the paver dries. Don't let dripping water from cut paver drip on other pavers. Don't stack wet cut pavers on other pavers.
Filling joint and compacting:
Sweep sand into joints of paving. If compacting sweep sand into joint first. Use carpet under plate compactor. 2 passes over the job is enough.
Pavers can be cleaned with 10 to 1 water to hydrochloric acid solution. Wet down pavers first. Use a broom or brush to apply the solution to the pavers. Apply the solution to the whole area so the paving stays consistent. Be sure to cover up so acid doesn't go on you. The stronger the solution, the coarser the pavers finish will become. Use lots of water to wash down cleaned area.
Pavers with effloressence
The same pavers after an acid wash
More information on Paver Cleaning Acid Wash
Sealing the pavers will stop them from absorbing stains. The pavers need to be sealed around BBQ areas to allow for ease of cleaning fat and grease spills. Paving should be laid for a month or long enough so as that wet weather has passed over the paved area. It needs the humidity to let the efflorescent action to occur. Sealing it earlier may result in a whitish colour appearing under the sealer.
The directions on this sheet are only a guide and may vary depending on site conditions and the outdoor elements.
For pallet collection, phone (02) 6242-7033